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C-Sense Eco-Pilot Fuel Management

Stage 1:

Record Fuel Consumption History

Stage 2:

Model Fuel Consumption Patterns

Stage 3:

Control Fuel Saving Actions

Kral Flowmeters:

High Precision / Marine Specific

C-Sense Eco-Pilot is an electronic system that utilises various sensors to record the fuel consumption history of any vessel. The system is designed to reduce fuel consumption for commercial and military operators. Eco-Pilot The onboard memory allows 2 years of fuel consumption to be recorded. The precise analysis of fuel consumption history enables Eco-Pilot to model a set of typical future consumption figures, suggesting economic actions to reduce fuel consumption.

Eco-Pilot is an onboard decision making tool to enable crews to improve performance and efficiency. It is independent and does not interfere with vessel operation. C-Sense Eco-Pilot runs discreetly in the background with the objective for crews to operate the vessel in the ‘green’ zone. In emergency, or for military activity, the Eco-Pilot system can be disengaged from the vessels fuel and propulsion system.

The Eco-Pilot measurement system utilises high specification Kral flow meters. Specifically designed for this application, they allow real time consumption measurement therefore each action on the engine can be immediately noticed. The Flowmeter is factory mounted on a box with its electronic acquisition card for easy installation and maintenance.

International maritime regulations recommend the activation of flowmeter bypasses when navigating in hazardous areas. The Eco-Pilot flowmeter has 3 levels of bypass valves. Firstly, the bypass can be manually implemented. Secondly, the system automatically activates the bypass valves when an incident is detected on the supply line. Thirdly, engine room push-buttons activate bypass valves.

C-Sense Eco-Pilot clients include:-

Wind Farm operators, OIl & Gas operators, professional user information to follow

Contact Details:-

C-SENSE - 3 Rue d'Athenry, 29300 Quimperlé France  TEL: +33 (0)6 47 98 50 94

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